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How To Easily Use A Portion Control Plate For Weight Loss

How To Easily Use A Portion Control Plate For Weight Loss

Posted by Portions Master on 8th Mar 2021

If you're struggling with losing weight, finding and applying a weight-loss method that will suit your lifestyle will be very helpful. Following a strict diet or following a plan can be tricky which can result in frustration.  This can make you feel confused, hopeless, apprehensive, or even defeated. However, portion control is an effective way to lose weight more effectively.

The easiest way to eliminate confusion and complex meal plans is to use a portion plate for weight loss. That way, you don't have to always have to count your calorie consumption every meal. Practicing portion control is so much easier than traditional diets or weight loss gimmicks. The Adjustable Portion Control Plate is designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Additionally, making progress will inspire you to stay motivated to stay on track.

How To Use A Portion Control Plate For Weight Loss

The best portion-control plate is divided into three sections to control three main categories of food; protein, carbohydrates, and greens.  Each pre-set portion sizes for carbs, proteins, and greens to match your weight goal.  Because the plate is adjustable you can select your goal weight, fill each section with your choice of food, and use it for three meals a day.

Using the Portions Master Portion Control Plate can help measure the ideal portion of food to eat for each meal.  Using the plate is easier than counting calories and weighing food.

portion control plate


How To The Portions Master Portion Control Plate To Lose Weight

The Portions Master Adjustable Portion Control Plate is easy to use. You don't need to use measuring cups or count calories anymore. All you have to do is to turn it to adjust to the portion size based on the weight that you want to achieve. You can divide your meals into three from your protein, vegetables, and carbohydrates. It's adjustable so you can achieve your weight loss goal easily.

Can Portion Control Help Me Lose Weight?

Portion control is important if you want to trim down some weight. Based on research, people will typically eat the bigger the portion size is on their plate[1].  Controlling your portion size will help you avoid overeating.  The portion of food you consume should be sufficient for your daily nutrition needs.  Over time, as your body adapts, you will experience fewer cravings and not feel deprived because your body is adjusting.

How Do Portion Control Plates Work

A portion control plate works by providing an exact space according to your portion size needs to allot your foods within.  Simply add your foods to the space inside the portion control plate according to the proteins, carbohydrates, and greens you have prepared to eat.

How Do You Measure Food For Weight Loss Using The Portion Control Plate

It's simple to measure food using the portion control plate.  Simply place the Adjustable Portion Control Plate on top of your dinner plate and then add your foods to each section.  After you have filled each section, lift the Portion Plate away from your dinner plate and enjoy the exact portions you need.

What Is A Good Portion Size To Lose Weight

Below is a general guideline concerning portion sizes of various food groups.  However, it is important to understand why portion control is matters and to know the differences between serving sizes and portion sizes.

  • 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 cups of fruit
  • 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 cups of veggies
  • 6-10 ounces of grain
  • 1/2 from whole grains
  • 3 cups of nonfat or low-fat dairy foods
  • 5-7 ounces of protein such as meat, beans, and seafood

What Size Plate Should I Use For Portion Control?

It's best to use a smaller plate if you are to use it for portion control.  The traditional size dinner plate in most homes is 10.5 inches.  However, a 9-inch plate is best when using portion control plates to assist with weight loss.

What Should I Eat To Lose Weight

what should I eat to lose weight

To lose weight, it's also important to be mindful of what you eat. You can view our list of recommended foods here or our list of foods that lower blood sugar.  Eating the correct portion sizes of healthy foods is the most effective way to lose weight.

Why Portion Control is Essential for Weight Loss

Portion control is the easiest way to lose weight. By using the portion control plate, you can make sure that you're eating healthily. The plate can also help you avoid overeating since it measures the proper amount of food for you to eat.  Practicing portion control consistently will help ensure that you lose weight without feeling deprived or defeated.  It also simplifies healthy eating and eliminates confusing weight-loss fads.

10 Additional Ways To Start Practicing Portion Control

1. Check the Nutrition Facts

Weight loss doesn't have to be that complicated. However, it is good practice to check nutrition facts and labels.  Doing so will help you understand the differences between serving sizes and portion sizes, along with creating awareness of the foods you are consuming.

2. Use The Portion Control Plate

Controlling your portions is much easier when you use the portion control plate. You can easily use it every meal which will also help you to be more mindful of your eating and also prevent "portion distortion".

3. Prepare Healthy Meals

Portion control is most effective when you prepare healthy meals. Just make sure to have a source of protein, veggies, and some carbs. It will help you to be satisfied with every meal. Having a healthy diet will keep away the unwanted weight so you will stay slim. You can also plan your weekly meals to avoid unhealthy foods.

4. Know Your Healthy Weight Range

This can also vary depending on your age, height, and other factors.

5. Add More Vegetables

Vegetables can satisfy your hunger and also increase your metabolism. Almost all greens and veggies contain fiber.  Vegetables will help you digest food faster and burn fat more efficiently. It's best to fill your plate with more vegetables to lose weight.

6. Set Realistic Goals

Long-term weight loss is more effective if you approach it gradually, avoiding "crash" diets.  It's best to be practical and avoid rushing yourself.  This can sabotage your weight loss goal and lead you toward old habits.

7. Use A Smaller Plate

Using a smaller plate can also help prevent portion distortion.  Using the portion control plate, just add the food you've prepared to eat.  Portion sizes will look proportionate when using an adequate plate.

8. Keep Your Body Hydrated

Drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated. If you drink before having a meal, it will be helpful with portion control. When you're hydrated, it will make you eat less compared to when you're dehydrated. Therefore, drinking water will help you with your weight loss journey.

It will make you feel fuller faster so you no longer need more food.

9. Savor Your Meals

Eating slowly to savor your meals is another way to help you enjoy your foods more and also lose weight.  Eating quickly can cause you to eat more than you realize.  It is beneficial to slow down while eating and savor your food.

10. Schedule Meal Times

Following a meal schedule will create anticipation for mealtime and create consistency in your eating habits.  Additionally, eating at scheduled meal times also gives the body time to burn calories. 



Using a portion control plate for weight loss can help you achieve your goals and successfully manage your eating habits.  Extreme dieting and confusing weight loss plans can make you feel frustrated.  Reaching your desired weight can be challenging. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to lose weight, get healthy, and stay healthy.
