An older study suggests EPO is highly effective in treating premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, such as depression, irritability, and bloating. Researchers believe some women experience PMS because they are sensitive to normal prolactin levels in the body. GLA converts to a substance in the body (prostaglandin E1) thought to help prevent prolactin from triggering PMS.

According to a 2010 study, the GLA in EPO is thought to reduce inflammation and help inhibit prostaglandins that cause cyclical breast pain. The study found that taking daily doses of EPO or EPO and vitamin E for six months decreased the severity of cyclical breast pain.

A study found that women who took 500 mg daily of EPO for six weeks experienced less frequent, less severe, and shorter hot flashes. Women also had improved marks for social activity, relations with others, and sexuality on a questionnaire on how hot flashes impact daily life.

According to a study, oral supplementation of EPO helps smooth skin and improve its elasticity, moisture, firmness, and fatigue resistance. Per the study, GLA is necessary for ideal skin structure and function. Because the skin cannot produce GLA on its own, researchers believe taking GLA-rich EPO helps keep the skin healthy overall.
1 Review
Primrose Oil
I have been taking this for a short time but already my skin looks better than it did. Seems to be helping with my hot flashes too. Easy to order and got here quick!