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5 Important Health Benefits of Advanced Probiotics

5 Important Health Benefits of Advanced Probiotics

Posted by Portions Master on 28th Oct 2022

Gut Health and Immunity

Your gut health and your immune system are closely linked, and changes to one can affect the other. Your gut is home to thousands of different species of microorganisms — including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microbes — collectively known as your gut microbiome[1]. Some bacteria are associated with better health outcomes, others with poorer health outcomes. A healthy gut microbiome tends to include a wide range of different beneficial bacteria and is vital for a healthy immune system. It plays an important role in regulating your immune system so that it responds to injury or infection but doesn’t attack healthy body tissue. If you’re looking to improve your immune system, paying attention to your gut health could be a good place to start.

How Does Gut Health Affect the Immune System

Your gut microbiome is home to billions of microbes, many of which are beneficial to your health. These microbes work in symbiosis with your immune system, helping to protect you from pathogens and keep your gut healthy. In return, the health of your immune system can influence the composition of your gut microbiome. For example, chronic inflammation has been linked to changes in the gut microbiome, including an increase in pro-inflammatory bacteria. Similarly, the use of antibiotics can disrupt the delicate balance of microbes in the gut, leading to changes in gut flora that can compromise immunity. The Gut-Immune connection is a complex one, but it is clear that the health of your gut microbiome can have a direct effect on your immune system.  Portions Master 30 Billion Probiotic Plus will take care of your gut and it will take care of you!

Probiotics May Help with Depression

It's no secret that gut health is important for overall health. But did you know that your gut health can also impact your mood and mental health? An increasing number of studies are linking gut health to mental health, and the findings are pretty fascinating[2]. One review of 15 human studies found that probiotic supplements can improve anxiety, depression, autism, OCD and memory. The benefits are thought to come from the probiotics' impact on inflammation and the immune system. In one study of 70 chemical workers, those who consumed probiotic yogurt or took a daily probiotic capsule experienced benefits for general health, depression, anxiety and stress. And in a study of 40 patients with depression, taking probiotic supplements for 8 weeks decreased depression levels and reduced levels of inflammation. These studies suggest that probiotics may be a helpful tool in managing some mental health disorders. If you're struggling with depression, anxiety or other mental health issues, it may be worth talking to your doctor about whether probiotics could help you.

Probiotic Strains Can Help Keep Your Heart Healthy

If you're looking for ways to keep your heart healthy, you may want to consider taking probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that have a variety of health benefits, and studies have shown that they can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and blood pressure. How do they do this? Probiotics can break down bile in the gut, which prevents it from being reabsorbed into the bloodstream as cholesterol. They can also reduce inflammation, which can lead to high blood pressure.

When choosing a probiotic supplement, it's important to look for one that contains at least 10 million colony-forming units (CFUs) per serving. Our  Portions Master Probiotic Plus formula contains 30 billion CFUs per serving, so you're sure to get the benefits you're looking for.

Can Help Reduce the Severity of Eczema and Allergies

Eczema is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. Though there is no cure, some treatments can help to reduce symptoms. In recent years, probiotics have been studied as a potential treatment for eczema. Some studies have found that certain probiotic strains may help to reduce the severity of eczema in children and infants[3]. One study found eczema symptoms improved for infants fed probiotic-supplemented milk, compared to infants fed milk without probiotics. Another study followed children of women who took probiotics during pregnancy. Those children had an 83% lower risk of developing eczema in the first two years of life. Some probiotics may also reduce inflammatory responses in people with milk or dairy allergies. Though more research is needed, these studies suggest that probiotics may be a helpful treatment for eczema.
